Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hi Afewroundsmore

The three actions just played were small brief actions so not many photos were taken. When I post the other two AAR's there will be a few more photos - but again only a few.
Both sides at this point are conducting probing actions which are smaller than the large pitched actions that have occured up until now. Howvere the campaign is getting to a point where there will be a major push from the Japanese. Then you will see lots of photos coupled with heated action.
The Papuans are a combination of Brigade games minatures and converted foundry darkest african figures


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

AARs from Fela and Naro

Hi all

The AARs from Fela and Naro to follow shortly

After Action Report Fowani Creek

Location - Faiwani Creek  1.5 km Nth of Deniki

Description – Faiwani creek intercepts the track that lays between Deniki and Pitoki. Both sides of the creek are heavily wooded except for an area of around a hundred yards either side of the track.

Japanese OOB

1st Platoon, 1st Company 1/144th Regt (Veteran/Spirited Reactions)

Consisting of Platoon HQ 1 x Officer and 1 x Sgt, 1 x Sniper

3 x Sections each  of 1 x LMG, 2 x NCO, 8 x Soldiers

Support Elements A Section 55th Mountain battery

1 x Observer team attached to 2 x75mm Mountain Howitzers located at Kokoda

Australian OOB

1st Section, 13 Platoon, C Company, 39th Battalion (Tired/ Green/trained)

Consisting of Platoon HQ 1 x Officer and 1 x Sgt, 39th Battalion

1 x LMG (Bren), 2 x NCOs, 6 x Soldiers

No 1 and 2 Sections, B Company, PIB (Untrained)

Each PIB Section consists of 2 x NCO and  x 5 men

Support Elements 

1 x Observer team attached to 2 x81mm Mortars located behind Denik

Battle Report Faiwani Creek 31st July 1942

The Japanese force commander (Cameron) will take up the commentary from here.

The Japanese scouting force advancedtowards the creek crossing that intersected the track heading for Deniki. They moved forwardon either side of the track with caution until they came across a clearing that now not only created a buffer zone on the track but also the creek crossing as well.

They halted for a turn to observe the far side of the clearing and through the bright and hot morning light spotted a section of Papuan infantrylead by Australian NCOs sitting hiding in cover on the far side of the creek.

Advancing Papuan Infantry Patrol – Photo via Greg and Ian

The Japanese machinegun section attached to the forward patrol opensfire laying down a hail of bullets for two turns before the Papuans begin to fire back. The attached Japanese rifle section thenbegins to add its fire to the fight and in an attempt to rattle the Papuans charges out into the open. The Sergeant of 1st Platoon realising that one of his sections are now charging across open terrain shouts to his force and calls them back into the cover of the Jungle.

Faiwani Creek and track crossing – Photo via Greg and Ian

Following the initial exchange of fire from both sides an intense fire fight begins to buildas more sections and supporting weapons from both sides are drawn into the fight over the crossing.

A lone Japanese snipper who had until this pointhad beensitting quietly in his jungle cover spots an exposed Australian NCO,he hesitates for a second and with the squeeze of his trigger the NCO falls dead.

 Around the same time a second Papuan infantry section and a Japanese section located opposite their position appear on the other side of the track,a firefight begins between the two forces. The Japanese force on this flank decided that they too will try to advance on the Papuans in an attempt to rattle them, but this section soon found themselves in trouble as they came under fire from a Australian infantry section which had gone unnoticed.

Japanese commander Cameron looking through the jungle

Both sides were desperately attempting to call in fire support which was not able to range in.

The opposing forces continued to maintain a fierce fire fight. The Japanese on the right flank were almost wiped out and the Japanese commander committed his third section to the battle. More casualties were taken by the Australians and both force commanders decided to limit casualties, both sides withdrew.

The action was seen as a draw, neither side gained the creek, however the Japanese achieved their patrol objective of retrieving valuable Intel on the composition and make up of their opposing forces.

Australian Loses
1st Section, 13th Platoon, C Company 39th Militia Battalion troops                              4 soldiers killed
1st& 2nd Section, B Company PIB                                                                                3 white NCO’s, 9 Native Constables

Japanese Losses
1st Platoon, 1st Company, 1/144th Regiment                                                          14 privates, 1 NCO